- Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control Areas
-Advanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, Quantum
Technologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, Power and High-Frequency Devices
-Malware Analysis, Network Security, IoT Security, Secure Software and testing, Secure Coding, Cyber-physical Security
-SoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor/Memory Design, Green/Medical Electronics,
Sensor Electronics, THz/Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics), Hardware Security/Dependable and
Trusted Hardware Architecture
-Computer Science and Engineering, Embedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile
Computing and Networking, Cybersecurity and Trusted Computing, Machine Learning, Data-Centric Computing, Computer Architecture
-Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart Grid
-Biomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengineering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical Sensors
-Microwave/Millimeter-wave and THz Technologies, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, Intelligent Sensing and Radar Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Signal/Power Integrity, RFIC/MMIC, Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration
-Communications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, Coding Theory, Image Forensics, Cyber-Physical Security, Machine Learning, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned Areas
-Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Design and Verification Methodology for Secure System -Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed Optoelectronics, Quantum Computing (hardware/software), Organic Optoelectronics, Perovskite Optoelectronics, AR/VR/MR/XR
-Data Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, IoT, Data-Centric Computing and Networking, Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Social Networks, CyberSecurity
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