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2023 Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest Registration is now OPEN!! 友善列印
All the braves are invited to challenge the world-class Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest.
Show their intelligence, innovation, endurance, physical strength, knowledge and willpower in the 72-hour non-stop contest.
Champion team could win the prize of $7000USD!!!
Students registered in high schools or vocational high schools are eligible for forming a team. It is advised to have teammates of different disciplines.
✅ A team should have minimum 4 and maximum 6 members.
✅ Due to the needs of knowledge from natural sciences, social science and other ability such as implementation, creativity, and physical strength, it is recommended that team member should specialize in different aspects.
✅ One team stands for each country. For those countries holding the preliminary contest with over 50 teams, one more quota will be given.
✅  If the number of teams registered exceeds the accommodation limit of the host, countries holding preliminary contest have higher priority. Remaining quota will be given to teams with earliest registration.
✅  The official language is English.

  Each team may bring one evaluation committee member. There will be 6 evaluation committee seats, which are selected from all international teams.
✅  Registration: Download forms and instruction from

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