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The 55th World School Children's Art Exhibition collects young artists' artworks now! 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  電話:1-415-398-4979 電子信箱:ddmail@mail.moe.gov.tw

(1)We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 55th World School Children’s Art Exhibition to be held from August 7 to August 25, 2024, in Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan). 

(2)We warmly welcome works from young artists worldwide. Your participation will enrich this art exhibition and enable us to promote cross-cultural understanding among younger generation. (3)Attached are details of the 55th World School Children’s Art Exhibition. Simply complete the list of participants and send it back to us together with your collection of artworks before deadline on April 15, 2024.


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