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Yushan (Young) Scholar Program application 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  電話:0277365704 電子信箱:hychou@mail.moe.gov.tw

The Yushan Scholar Program aims to assist various universities and colleges (hereafter, universities) in recruiting top international scholars to teach in Taiwan by providing internationally competitive salaries and thus expand international academic capacity in Taiwan’s academic environment and enhance the international influence of Taiwan’s higher education.

I. Eligibility of Yushan Fellow

Applicant must meet one of the following qualifications:

1. Has worked at a leading international research institution or an internationally renowned company for at least 10 years, has an international academic prestige or cutting-edge international expertise in core technology, and has experience in leading an academic or industrial research team.

2. Recipient of a Nobel prize, is a fellow of a national academy, is a fellow of a significant international association, or has received some equivalent recognition.

3. Has made an outstanding contribution to the area of his or her academic or industrial expertise during the past 5 years.

II. Eligibility of Yushan Young Fellow

A Yushan Young Fellow is a fellow who was granted his or her highest education certification during the past 10 years, or whose age is less than 45 years old and meets one of the following requirements:

1. Has worked at a leading international research institution or an internationally renowned company for at least 5 years and has development potential.

2. Has experience in conducting significant research projects.

3. Has made an exceptional contribution to the area of his or her academic expertise during the past 5 years.

For more information, please click the link below.



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