Yuan Ze University, a top-ranking private university in Taiwan, is seeking talented international
scholars to join our programs in College of Management. Candidates are expected to be able to conduct research, teach in English, and provide regular services. In return, they will receive the compatible salary/bonus, the pension benefit, the medical insurance coverage, and affordable on-campus housing opportunities. The government and the industry frequently sponsor various research projects on a competitive basis. Following is the detailed requirement and explanations:
1. Position: Foreign teachers for the post of full-time assistant professor or above
2. Start date: February 1, 2023
3. Qualifications: Ph.D. in related Management or Finance areas, with evidence of excellence in English proficiency.
4. Area of Expertise: In the areas of marketing management, organizational behavior, human
resources, international business, strategic management, technology management, operation
management, international business management, financial management. Expertise in the
management areas related to emerging technologies, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
are invited to apply.
5. Application method: Applications are reviewed as they are sent in. Please prepare the following documents and submit them before September 30, 2022 (postmark date as the basis) to R60403B EBBA, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, #135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li, Taoyuan, 32003.
Please indicate on the envelope or e-mail’s subject line: “Application to Teach in College of
Management.” Application materials will not be returned. Please send the following materials by
post or by e-mail (hyjuang@saturn.yzu.edu.tw).
(1). CV and professional biography (including detailed academic experience and expertise
above the university level)
(2). Photocopy of the certificate of graduation of the highest academic qualification attained
(for foreign degree holders, please submit a graduation diploma verified by the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office)
(3). Photocopy of the transcript of the highest academic qualification attained (for foreign
degree holders, please submit a graduation diploma verified by the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Representative Office)
(4). Please submit a copy of your teaching certificate if you have one
(5). Dissertation submitted for the highest academic qualification attained (please provide the
original copy of your doctoral thesis)
(6). List of publications
(7). List of research projects and conference presentations
(8). Two letters of recommendation (please provide information on the referrers, including
their contact information)
(9). Subjects that you can teach (Please attach teaching evaluations if you have teaching
(10). Other supporting information helpful in understanding the applicant (such as video clips
of actual teaching or mock teaching in English, awards and licenses, or any relevant
6. Contact information:
Secretary: Ms. Selena Chuang
Phone: +886-3-4638800 ext. 6091
E-mail: hyjuang@saturn.yzu.edu.tw