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Master Degree Programs, ICSI, National Taipei University 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  

International College of Sustainability Innovations (ICSI), National Taipei University, Taiwan is now recruiting international students to the fall semester 2022 of its fully English-taught master degree programs (Master Program of Business Administration in Finance, International Program on Urban Governance, and Master of Smart Healthcare Management)

The National Taipei University is among the top universities in Taiwan, especially with its prominent and outstanding achievement in Business and Law education. ICSI is designed specifically for international students. We offer various types of financial support, including full scholarships, partial scholarships, tuition waivers, and assistantships to students with strong motivation.

The 2022 fall semester admission is open for applications from now until April 30th. To submit an application, please visit the website: http://english.ntpu.edu.tw/files/11-1003-336.php


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