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The international Exchange Window for Primary and Secondary Schools 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  

The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan encourages schools to establish international partnerships and implement diversified international exchange modes, including physical and online international exchanges to provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge of different countries and cultures through experiential learning, thus enhancing their international perspectives and competitiveness.

In order to expand global exchanges, the MOE creates an information and matching platform-International Exchange Window (IEW) to bridge Taiwan’s schools and international partners.

Taiwan cordially invites its international friends to become partners with its primary and secondary schools. To learn more about becoming a partner, please visit International Exchange Window (IEW).

Looking for School Partners, please visit Looking for School Partners.

Contact us

Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston
Tel : +1-617-259-1364
Email : boston@mail.moe.gov.tw


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