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2024 TOCFL for the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Area Start Registration as of Feb. 7th 友善列印

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(Left 5th ) Director Sophie Chou and (Right 3rd) WMACS Director Jennifer Lee with other representatives from DMV Chinese schools

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TOCFL & CCCC pamphlet and sample tests

On Jan. 27, Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) Director Sophie Chou hosted an informational dinner attended by representatives of six Chinese schools in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia area (DMV area) and Washington Metropolitan Association of Chinese Schools (WMACS) promoting the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) and Children’s Chinese Competency Certification (CCCC).

During the meeting, Director Chou shared the comprehensive information of TOCFL and CCCC with the participants. The two upcoming tests will be held respectively at Lake Braddock Secondary School on April 14, 2024 in North Virginia and at Cabin John Middle School on April 28, 2024 in Maryland.

The TOCFL has four proficiency bands: Band Novice, Band A, Band B, and Band C. Each of the bands has two sub levels. The CCCC, which is designed for non-native Chinese-speaking children from age 7 to 12, includes three levels: Beginner (Sprouting), Intermediate (Seedling) , and Advanced (Blossoming). Registration fees for TOCFL and CCCC are $40 and $30. The registration form can be accessed from February 7 to March 7, 2024 on TECRO Education Division's website at https://reurl.cc/Z9lkNl


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