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Taiwan Scholarship

2024 Ministry of Education (MOE) Taiwan Scholarship 友善列印


  2024 Taiwan Scholarship Application Guidelines

Note: TECRO’s Education Division serves the residents of the following regions: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia


The Taiwan Scholarship Program is designated to encourage promising students from foreign countries to pursue their degree in Taiwan to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan and promote communication, understanding and friendship between Taiwan and the international community.

Award Value:

  1. Tuition fees: The MOE will provide each recipient with tuition fees amounting to NTD$40,000 per semester. If the total amount of the fees should exceed NTD$40,000, the remainder of the costs shall be the recipient’s responsibility. Tuition and academic fees do not include administration fees, thesis advising fees, insurance premiums, accommodation or internet access fees, all of which shall be paid by the recipients.
  2. Subsistence allowance:

- Undergraduate studies: a monthly stipend of NTD15,000

- Postgraduate studies (Master, Doctoral): a monthly stipend of NTD20,000

(Exchange rate approximately 1 US = 30 NT)

Duration of Scholarships:

The maximum period of each scholarship is four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master programs, and four years for doctorate programs. The maximum total period that any one person may hold a Taiwan Scholarship is five years.

Eligibility:  An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.

  2. Be a high school graduate or above, have excellent academic performance in his/her most recent formal educational study experience, be of good moral character, and not have any criminal records.

A person in any of the following categories is ineligible to apply:

  1. An R.O.C. national or an overseas Chinese student.

  2. A person who already has and is continuing to maintain student status at any university/college in Taiwan or who has already registered to begin studies at such a university/college. This restriction does not apply to a student who will be graduating after completing a degree that year. They may apply for a Taiwan Scholarship to pursue a higher degree.

  3. A person who has already studied in Taiwan for a degree at the same level as the one in which they currently intend to enroll.

  4. An exchange student or dual/joint degree student who has been admitted to a university/college in Taiwan in accordance with an academic cooperation agreement between that university/college and an overseas university/college.

  5. A person who has already been a Taiwan Scholarship recipient for a total of five years.

  6. A person who has ever previously had their Taiwan Scholarship or MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship revoked.

  7. A person who has received any other scholarship or subsidy from any Taiwan government institution (organization) or any education institution in Taiwan, apart from any subsidies provided for a Taiwan Scholarship recipient by their university/college to cover the outstanding amount if the total amount of their tuition and other fees exceeds the scholarship limit.

  8. A person who has a Taiwan Alien Permanent Resident Certificate.

Application Procedure:

- Where to apply?

U.S. citizens with official residency in Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia may apply to TECRO’s Education Division.

Please submit your application to:

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office

in the United States (TECRO)

4201 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20016

Attn Taiwan Scholarship Committee

  • What materials are needed?

  1. A completed and signed application form. (Applicant submitting other forms than the form of the Education Division of TECRO will not be accepted.)
  2. One photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.

  3. One photocopy of the highest-level diploma.

  4. One copy of an official complete grade transcript, in one of the following forms:

- authenticated by an overseas Representative Office / Embassy of Taiwan R.O.C.

- or be sealed and delivered by the awarding institutions.

  1. A photocopy of admission application materials to universities/colleges in Taiwan (e.g., photocopies of application fee remittance, application form, receipt of application from universities/colleges, email confirmation).

  2. Two recommendation letters, signed and sealed in envelopes by the recommenders themselves, can be sent in the applicant’s package along with all other documents or mailed directly to the Education Division.

  3. A complete and signed Taiwan Scholarship Terms of Agreement.

  4. A copy of a language proficiency certificate:

(1) For applicants to undertake a program not completely taught in English: A copy of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) test score report or certificate of Level 3 or above shall be submitted.

(2) For applicants to undertake a program completely taught in English, the TOCFL requirement may be exempted. However, applicants who submit TOCFL certificate or test score report will be considered with priority.

  • When to apply?

The application period is from February 1st through March 31st, 2024. Application documents (including reference letters) must be completely mailed to TECRO by March 31st, 2024, by post mark. Applications after March 31st, 2024 will not be accepted.

*Applications must be completed in full. All incomplete applications will not be considered, and persons submitting incomplete applications will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice.


  1. Recipients should achieve an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above and a graduate GPA of 3.5 or above (on a 4.5 scale). Where grade conversion calculation differs, TECRO will base their conversion calculations on the aforementioned calculation guidelines to select outstanding applicants from prestigious universities/colleges.

  2. Interviews must be conducted in person or by video conferencing so as to be aware of the applicants and better judge their demeanor and moral character.

  3. Priority will be given to applicants with a certificate in TOCFL-levels of Level 4 (Intermediate) or above.

  4. Applications will be reviewed and selected applicants will be interviewed in person or virtually. Applicants will be notified of results no later than May 31st, 2024. TECRO office will select successful candidates and alternative candidates which will be placed on a waiting list.

What else should applicants do?

  1. Please note that scholarship applications and school admission applications are separate. Applicants must apply directly to the university/college for admission within the application deadline. Each university/college sets its own application deadline.

  2. Applicants need to submit a copy of the admission letter to their designated TECRO Office in order to secure their scholarship by no later than June 30th, 2024. Late submission of these documents will be deemed as a waiver for accepting the scholarship.


  1. The Taiwan Scholarship Application Guidelines announced by the Education Division, TECRO are adapted from the “Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines.” If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the Ministry of Education regulations and TECRO regulations, the Ministry of Education regulations (Chinese version) shall prevail. Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by relevant MOE regulations.

  2. Residents in other states, please check the Taiwan MOE website to find the Education Divisions in the U.S. where you may apply. (http://english.moe.gov.tw/Home > About MOE > Overseas Offices)

  3. In response to the continued spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, all awardees must follow entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for foreign nationals imposed by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) and related agencies. For updated information, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement at www.mofa.gov.tw.

Information & Contact

Please read this guideline and the MOE directions carefully. For further questions, please read the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section to find the answer.

For more information, please visit the website at https://studyintaiwan.org or https://www.us2taiwan.org.

For further inquiries, please contact: Education Division of TECRO.


Related files:

1. Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions_2015.pdf

2. 2024 Taiwan Scholarship Application Guidelines.pdf

3. 2024_TW_scholarship_application_form.docx

4. Taiwan Scholarship Terms of Agreement.pdf

5. FAQ 2024 Taiwan Scholarship.pdf

6. Degree_Programs_Taught_in_English_20240124.pdf

7. Tuition_Discounts_for_MOE_Taiwan_Scholarship_20240124 (1).pdf


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