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Huayu Scholarship

2024 Application Guidelines Ministry of Education (MOE) Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組  


  2024 Application Guidelines

  Ministry of Education (MOE) Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES)

  • Preface:

The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan provides the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) for foreign Mandarin/Chinese learners, including beginners, to study at any accredited Mandarin center at a university or college in Taiwan.

  • Award Value:

A fixed monthly stipend of NT$25,000 (about US$833, rate: 30).

  • Duration of Scholarships:

2 months (June to July or July to August, 2024), or 3, 6, 9, and 12 months from September 2024 to August 2025.

• Eligibility: An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:


1. A U.S. citizen above the age of 18, a high school graduate or above, have excellent

academic performance in his/her most recent formal educational study experience and be of

good moral character.

2. Does not have the status of being an “Overseas Compatriot Student” or held an R.O.C.

(Taiwan) passport.

3. Is not currently a registered student at a Mandarin training center, nor has ever been 

a degree seeking student at any university or college in Taiwan.

4. Has never received HES or Taiwan Scholarship or TUSA (Taiwan-United States Sister

Relations Alliance) Scholarship or BEST Huayu Scholarship, in the past.

5. Is not an exchange student in accordance with an agreement of collaboration between an

international university/college and an educational institution in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a HES.

6. Is not simultaneously a recipient of any other scholarship or subsidy offered by other

government agency or any other educational institutions in Taiwan.

7. Is not holding a Taiwan Alien Permanent Resident Certificate.

  • Application Procedure:

Where to apply?

U.S. citizens with official residency in Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, or the District of Columbia may apply to TECRO’s Education Division.

Please submit your application to:

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office

in the United States (TECRO)

4201 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20016

Attn: HES Scholarship Committee

When to apply?

The application period is from February 1st through March 31st, 2024. Application documents (including reference letters) must be completely mailed to TECRO by March 31st, 2024, by postmark. Applications after March 31st, 2024 will not be accepted.

*Applications must be completed in full. All incomplete applications are ineligible for consideration, and persons submitting incomplete applications will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice.

What materials are needed?

  1. A completed and signed application form. (Applicant submitting other forms than the form of the Education Division of TECRO will not be accepted.)

  2. One photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.

  3. One photocopy of the highest-level diploma;

  4. One copy of an official complete grade transcript, in one of the following forms:

- authenticated by an overseas Representative Office / Embassy of Taiwan R.O.C.

- or be sealed and delivered by the awarding institutions.

  1. Photocopy of completed application forms for the language centers applied to in Taiwan, or other documents which can prove applicant’s admission status. Those who applies for 2-month summer program must enclose an admission acceptance letter from a language center in the application material package.

  2. Two recommendation letters, signed and sealed in envelopes by the recommenders themselves, can be sent in the applicant’s package along with all other documents or mailed directly to the Education Division.

  3. Completed and signed HES Terms of Agreement.

  4. Optional: One photocopy of the TOCFL certificate. Participants of the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) will be considered with priority.

  • Selection Process:

  1. Applications will be reviewed; applicants for six months and above will be interviewed virtually.

  2. The preliminary result of the selection will be notified by TECRO’s Education Division by the end of May. Summer 2-month program applicants will be notified the final result by April 30th.

  3. After an admission acceptance letter of a language center sent by applicants is received, TECRO will proceed to finalize its scholarship selection reviews.

  4. Recipients will be invited to attend an orientation organized at TECRO, usually in July or August.

  5. Reserve process: When a successful candidate has waived his/her right to a scholarship before the commencement of the scholarship by the end of December 2024, his/her position will be filled by the next reserve candidate.

  6. If a recipient has accepted the HES award but is not able to take the scholarship afterwards, he/she must inform TECRO at least 2 weeks before the award’s starting date, and must do so by December 31st, 2024. Failure to do this will render the recipient unqualified for future applications of the scholarship.

  • What else should applicants do?

  1. Please note that scholarship applications and language center admission applications are separate. Applicants are responsible for their application to the language centers that they would like to attend. For information about qualified university-affiliated language centers in Taiwan, please visit the following website for reference: http://lmit.edu.tw/lc/.

  2. For those who apply for 3 to 12 months, applicants need to submit a copy of the admission letter to TECRO in order to secure their scholarship by no later than May 31st, 2024.

  • Miscellaneous:

  1. The Taiwan Scholarship Application Guidelines announced by TECRO’s Education Division are adapted from the Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines. If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the Ministry of Education regulations and TECRO regulations, the Ministry of Education regulations (Chinese version) shall prevail. Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by relevant MOE regulations.

  2. Residents in other states, please check the Taiwan MOE website to find the Education Divisions in the U.S. where you may apply. (http//english.moe.gov.tw/Home > About MOE > Overseas Offices)

  3. In response to the continued spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, all awardees must follow entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for foreign nationals imposed by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) and related agencies. For updated information, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement at www.mofa.gov.tw.

  • Information & Contact

  1. Please read this guideline and the MOE directions carefully. For further questions, please read the Frequently Asked Questions section to find the answer.

  2. For more information, please visit the website at




For further inquiries, please contact: TECRO’s Education Division.



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