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A visit with the hope to deepen Taiwan and Kentucky education ties 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組   Department:駐美國代表處教育組 聯絡人:蘇惠惠    
Left Executive Director Joe Buno specially extended his gratitude for MOEs support on the collaboration with AICH Right Director Sophie Chou middle with Vice President Lee Gill left of UofL and Dr. Emma Sterrett r_BigPic

A visit with the hope to deepen Taiwan and Kentucky education ties

Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) Director Sophie Chou and Secretary Robert Lee attended the Social Diversity Equity and Inclusion Meeting hosted by University of Louisville (UofL) on Dec. 1.

One of the meeting speakers, Executive Director Joe Buno of a Kentucky non-profit organization, Asia Institute-Crane House (AICH) shared the result of its collaboration with Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) to select 9 KY local English teachers to exchange and teach in 16 K-12 schools in Tainan and Kaohsiung in July this year through a phenomenal ‘‘Teach in Asia (TIA)’’ Project with his impressive experience of visiting Taiwan. He extended his gratitude for MOE’s support.

During the meeting, Director Chou specially expressed her hope to strengthen the reciprocal educational ties between Taiwan and UofL so as to encourage more Taiwanese students to study or pursue academic degrees at UofL for the years to come.

The member of Education Division of TECRO also visited Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), Francis Parker Louisville School, and Field Elementary School in this trip with the hope to deepen education tie between Taiwan and Kentucky.



  • Related Picture(s)
    1. Left Executive Director Joe Buno specially extended his gratitude for MOEs support on the collaboration with AICH Right Director Sophie Chou middle with Vice President Lee Gill left of UofL and Dr. Emma Sterrett r
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