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Recognition Earned by Quality Volunteerism of Taiwanese Youth through Celebration of Double Tenth Day 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組  

Recognition Earned by Quality Volunteerism of Taiwanese Youth through Celebration of Double Tenth Day 

Oct. 31, 2022

Photo: Rep. Bi-Khim Hsiao, Taipei Econbomic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (sixth from the right) with Dr. Aaron Chen, Director of the Education Division (fifth from the right) and 47 Taiwanese students at Twin Oaks after the success of the celebration of 2022 National Double Tenth Day

 The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the United States held a reception to celebrate "Double Tenth Day," the national day of the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan in the evening of October 5th at Twin Oaks in Washington, D.C. More than 1,000 dignitaries including AIT Chairman James F. Moriarty, Ambassadors to the U.S. of allied and like-minded countries and Organization of American States (OAS),  Officials of multiple countries’ mission to the U.S., governmental and legislative delegates of DC, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and Delaware, and key leaders of overseas communities all attended the reception. 

In her speech, Rep. Bi-Kihm Hsiao thanked people from all walks of life in the United States for the efforts and contributions to strengthen Taiwan-U.S. relations in the past year, and Chairman Moriarty echoed Rep. Hsiao that Taiwan-U.S. bilateral relations will continue to deepen in various fields. At the end of the ceremony, all the dignitaries and guests jointly toasted the prosperity of the both eternal friendship.

In order to provide the guests with more comprehensive service at the event, Education Division of TECRO has been actively working to recruit Taiwanese students as volunteers for the reception via multiple promotional ways, which ended up for total 47 students jointly contributing and participating the event. From directing, introducing to facilitating with the Taiwan feature snacks and games full of Taiwanese culture, the lively silhouettes of the youth with professional gesture and hospitable smile can be easily seen around the event.

The event was a great success with many positive two-way feedback from guests and these students. Most of them had their visit to the Twin Oaks for the first time and expressed deep gratitude for Education Division. The success not only facilitated to strengthen bilateral ties between Taiwan and the U.S., but also showed Taiwan’s quality youth power to the U.S. mainstream society.


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