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Real Success made to tantalize Locals to study in Taiwan in the Bubble Tea Festival at Rockville 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組  
Real Success made to tantalize Locals to study in Taiwan in the Bubble Tea Festival at Rockville_BigPic

Deputy Representative Robin Cheng with staffs of Education Division, TECRO at the booth of learning Mandarin in Taiwan

In order to promote Taiwan advanced education, as well as Taiwan’s high-quality Mandarin language instruction to the public of the United States, Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) have set up a booth of ‘‘Learning Mandarin in Taiwan’’ in one of the local galas of the Taiwan Bubble Tea Festival at Rockville, MD.

Within the booth, Education Division designed multiple breakout games and demonstrative informations of ''Study Mandarin in Taiwan'' to let the locals experience and explore the interest and magnificence of Taiwan’s education, Mandarin teaching, culture and tourism with the tantalizing flavors of Taiwanese bubble teas as the honoring prizes for completing the games to welcome and attract all the interested locals to taste Taiwan, and the booth successfully made a blast during the festival full of laughters.

It is expected that such success of the event will provide more opportunities that will enhance the mainstream of local communities of the U.S. to explore mutually benefit to deepen the understanding of Taiwan and its quality Mandarin instruction, so as to foster knowledge and appreciation of Taiwanese cultures.


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