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Taiwanese Student Volunteers Working at the Twin Oaks National Day Reception 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組  
Ambassador BiKhim Hsiao dressed in green in the middle with Education Division staff and 45 Taiwanese students at Twin Oaks after the successful 2023 National Day celebration_BigPic

The National Day Reception of the Twin Oaks Estate in Washington, D.C., in 2023, was held on the evening of October 4th. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) invited thousands of guests to celebrate at the historic Twin Oaks Estate. In accommodating our distinguished guests, TECRO not only designed the theme of the reception around fine Taiwanese wines but also invited the U.S. Congressional Chorus and Taiwanese students from U.S. military academies to sing the national anthems of both countries. While the event’s success is evident from pictures of the event, the hard work of all members and their families at the TECRO office, as well as the numerous service personnel, should not be overlooked.

To serve our important guests in the greater Washington, D.C. area, TECRO followed its established practice and invited Taiwanese students to serve as volunteers for the National Day Reception. This not only allowed the students to personally participate in major international social events and understand the close cooperative relationship between Taiwan and various sectors of the United States but also provided them with an opportunity for service learning. TECRO’s Education Division recruited 45 international students and held a pre-event training session, where students learned about the historical significance of Twin Oaks and were informed on the National Day Reception’s schedule and outstanding tasks. Students were able to choose suitable assignments, such as shuttle receptionist, entry guide, booth presenter, or traffic guide, for themselves. On October 4th, at 2:15 PM, the student volunteers arrived at the representative office on time, each dressed in formal attire, full of energy, and began preparations for the reception.

From 6:00 PM, guests started to arrive one after another. After Ambassador Hsiao and Laura Rosenberger, Chair of the American Institute in Taiwan, delivered their speeches, the annual Taiwanese feast commenced. The student volunteers went all out, guiding guests to their seats, explaining promotional materials, and describing the various types of wine. They demonstrated a high level of professionalism, ensuring both hosts and guests had a great time. Finally, all the student volunteers took a photo with Ambassador Hsiao, ending the day full of memories.


  • Related Picture(s)
    1. Ambassador BiKhim Hsiao dressed in green in the middle with Education Division staff and 45 Taiwanese students at Twin Oaks after the successful 2023 National Day celebration
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