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Taiwan’s University Visit to Washington D.C. to Explore More about Taiwan-U.S. Semiconductor Cross-Border Cooperation 友善列印
Data Source: 駐美國代表處教育組   Department:駐美國代表處教育組 聯絡人:蘇惠惠    電話:202-895-1918 電子信箱:edu@tecro.us

 In order to take advantage of the trend that US President Biden signed the chip bill in August this year, and Dr. W. John KaoPresident of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), led a delegation to visit the United States in early December, visiting relevant academic research units, looking forward to opening Taiwan-U.S. semiconductor academic research exchanges and talent cultivation, revealing that 10 preliminary plans are underway.

 Starting from December 1, NTHU delegation visited Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Washington, D.C. and New York, and visited University of Maryland, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. State Department (ECA DoS) and other government units while in D.CNTHU also held a illustration meeting on Dec. 7 to introduce and explain the results of the visit to the United States, and also exchanged opinions with the participant NTHU alumni of D.C. 

 Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECROnot only assisted to provide NTHU with related administrative resources but also arranged Deputy Representative Robin J.C. Cheng and to attend in the illustration meeting. During the event, Deputy Rep. Cheng and President Kao extensively exchanged multiple opinions regarding Taiwan-U.S. Semiconductor Cross-Border Cooperation. 

 Both of Deputy Rep. Cheng and President Kao agreed that Taiwan shall explore more chances at the underlying backdrops of the launched Chip Act by U.S. government, the Taiwan Policy Act, the Taiwan Scholars Act, geopolitics and global industrial chain restructuring, the Arizona Fab Relocation Ceremony held by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) in December, in which the development of semiconductors has become an important task of the federal government, and research universities and related enterprises are also actively striving for resources and cultivating talents.


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