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學術交流基金會「英語教學師訓暨EMI教學顧問獎助金」即日起開放申請 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  

此獎助金由學術交流基金會創設,旨在提升臺灣英語教學環境與品質,提供具備 #教學英語為第二外語 之教師或相關領域教授 #為期一年 的獎助金,資助受獎人投入英語教學之培養與專業研究計畫。受獎期間擔任 #教學顧問,指導全臺等13個駐點縣市與EMI大學參與英語協同教學助理計畫之美籍教學助理人員與臺灣在地的英語教師或大學EMI授課師資。透過 #實地訪視 和 #指導教學 並 #籌劃執行各類培訓課程, 並與計畫相關學者們團隊合作,奠定豐富研究教學資歷。

歡迎國內及美籍人士具有研究所之 #碩士 或 #博士 學位並有 #英語教學(TEFL)教學經驗者報名申請。

Email: ENteaching@fse.fulbright.org.tw


2023-2024 FSE EnglishTeacherTrainerProgram - TEFL Advisor Scholarship Award Application is Now Open

FSE is pleased to announce that applications are now open for 2023-2024 TEFL Advisor Scholarship Award. We are seeking dynamic and experienced TEFL teachers or professors as Academic Advisors of the Fulbright English Language Teaching Programs. Our purpose is to enhance K-9 English Teaching Assistants and Local English Teachers and university faculty their professional expertise through visits, observations, consultations, and coordination. 

Applicants from Taiwan and the US  with either a Master’s degree and TEFL teaching experience, or a Ph.D., are welcome to apply. 

We believe this is an exclusive and fantastic opportunity for candidates to visit different destinations around Taiwan and experience cultural exchange with professional contributions. 

Contact email: ENteaching@fse.fulbright.org.tw


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