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「2022臺灣海洋國際青年論壇」[Ocean Challenge 2022] 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  
為號召更多青年學子及社會青年投入守護海洋的行列,海洋委員會特與美國在台協會高雄分處(AIT/K)合作辦理「2022臺灣海洋國際青年論壇(Ocean Challenge 2022)」。
  • 報名對象除國內外大專院校及高中職學生外,2022年首度新增「社青組(35歲以下社會青年)」,歡迎35歲以下有志青年踴躍組隊報名參加!
  • 優勝隊伍可獲得新台幣1萬至5萬元不等的獎金,同時還有機會獲得最佳提案獎,贏得最高10萬元金額補助,將提案構想付諸實踐!
  • 即日起至110年12月31日(星期五)下午5時前,請將提案及報名表電子檔案,逕寄至活動承辦人信箱youthocean@oac.gov.tw
請參見活動簡章及報名表,也可email承辦人索取相關文件:中文報名表 中文簡章

The Ocean Challenge 2022 invites applicants between the ages of 15 and 35 to propose creative solutions to ocean issues that use marine science as the key element. The Ocean Challenge is a program aims to engage students and young generations worldwide on ocean crisis and to encourage them to become active in the fight against ocean challenges.
This program is designed to promote young adults’ awareness of ocean crisis, mobilize them to take actions, and ensure the leaders of tomorrow are well informed about the intricacies of our oceans.
  • The application opens now and the deadline is 5pm, December 31, 2021, Taiwan Time (UTC+8).
    Please email your proposal and application form to Ms. Ariel Lai at youthocean@oac.gov.tw (contact number: +886-7-3381810 ext. 261322).
  • Awards
    A total of 16-20 teams (4 -5 teams from each category) will be selected to proceed to the final round based on the preliminary proposal reviews. Finalists will be awarded as follows:
    1. First Place Award: NT$50,000 and certificate.
    2. Second Place Award: NT$20,000 and certificate.
    3. Third Place Award: NT$10,000 and certificate.
    4. Fourth Place and Fifth Place Award: certificate.

Please see attachments or email Ms. Lai for more details: Application Form English Program Overview


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