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📣新竹市的元培醫事科技大學華語文中心 2023 元培醫大暑期華語遊學團來啦!📣 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  
今年七月臺灣元培醫大安排了兩週活潑有趣的華語遊學團課程,這趟旅程您不僅能體驗豐富多元的臺灣文化,飽覽美麗的風景及品嘗道地的美食,更能在專業師資的帶領下展開您的中文學習之旅! 另外,這次的暑期營我們還規劃了專屬元培的特色課程等您一同來探索!
「2023 元培醫大暑期華語遊學團」課程資訊
1. 課程日期:2023年7月10日 - 2023年7月21日,週一至週五 (GMT+8)
2. 課程特色:
📌 主題式華語課程:除了生活華語會話,我們更準備了元培特有的醫護華語課程,讓你在這個夏天有滿滿的收穫!
📌 臺灣特色文化體驗
📌 遊戲學習體驗:安排元培校內醫護場館體驗活動或社區志工服務。
📌 每週安排臺灣城市探索,帶你體驗臺灣在地風情!
📌 想趁著假日探索寶島臺灣卻不知道如何規劃嗎? 我們提供週末深度旅遊(另行收費),帶你飽覽寶島美麗的風景、品嘗特色美食~
趕快報名參加「2023 元培醫大暑期華語遊學團」吧!
2. 報名截止日期:2023年5月31日 (GMT +8,臺灣時間)
想知道更多訊息? 歡迎來信詢問,我們將會盡快回覆您!
Email: ypucllc0311@gmail.com (JungYu)
Phone: +886-3-6102488


Are you looking for the Mandarin Summer Study Tour in Taiwan?

Are you ready for an unforgettable experience to explore Taiwan, and improve your Chinese this summer?

Here, the Chinese Language Learning Center at the Yuanpei University of Medical Technology in Taiwan Hsinchu invites you to join the "2023 YUMT Mandarin Summer Study Tour"!

Program dates: July 10th, 2023 - July 21th, Monday to Friday (GMT +8)

Application form: https://forms.gle/X3TXFckDG9BC2RsG7

Application deadline: May 31st, 2023 (GMT +8)

In YUMT Mandarin Summer Study Tour, you will explore the culture of Taiwan through various cultural activities, experience university campus life, and the amazing city tour!

In Topic-based Chinese language courses, you will learn useful daily conversations and language skills, and we also provide our YUMT unique Medical Chinese courses and learning with games courses!

This study tour is open to the public, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

We look forward to seeing you in Hsinchu YUMT this summer!

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. 

Email: ypucllc0311@gmail.com (JungYu)

Phone: +886-3-6102488


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