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2023年度「駐波士頓辦事處華語文教育獎項」徵件 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  



華語文教育獎設有5種獎項(每年擇優頒發1獎項,提名標準及方式請參考附件)。2023 TECO-Boston Chinese Language Education Awards Criteria.pdf

有意申請/推薦者請於112年9月18日美東時間晚上23:00前,將申請相關表件或推薦名單寄至駐波士頓辦事處教育組電子信箱 boston@mail.moe.gov.tw




The call for applications for the 2023 TECO-Boston (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston) Chinese Language Education Awards is now open! 


Applications/recommendations of organizations or individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Chinese language education are welcome! 


There are 5 types of awards (1 Award per year, please refer to Attachment for application and nomination criteria). 2023 TECO-Boston Chinese Language Education Awards Criteria.pdf

Interested applicants/nominating person should email the application related materials or list of nominees to the Education Division, TECO-Boston by 11:00 PM of September 18, 2023

🖥Email: boston@mail.moe.gov.tw


The Awardee will be awarded by TECO Boston at the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA) Annual Conference Luncheon on October 28, 2023.


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