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Life in Taiwan

Ocean Challenge 2023 invites interested applicants around the world to propose creative marine-science based solutions to address pressing ocean conservation issues. 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  
Ocean Challenge 2023_BigPic

Eligibility - International Category:

Applicants aged 12 and above, based outside of Taiwan.

Each team should consist of 2 to 8 English proficient team members. Cross-school or cross-category teams are permitted.

Please provide the required information on the application form, including team name, title of proposal, number and names of team members, name of school, and the coach information.

Application Deadline:

Applications are due by 11:59 pm CST (UTC+8) Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Please note that the OAC and the AIT/K reserve the right to extend the application deadline.

Please email your proposal and application form to youthocean@oac.gov.tw

Points of Contact:

1. Ms. Ariel Lai, Officer, Ocean Affairs Council

Phone: +886-7-3381810 ext. 261322

Email: yiwen612@oac.gov.tw

2. Mr. David Lee, Specialist, American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch

Phone: +886-7-3355006 ext. 6007

Email: LeeDJY@state.gov


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