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Maine Launches Multilingual Education Task Force 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  

To promote bilingual education in Maine schools, the Department of Education, Maine has launched a new initiative Multilingual Education Task Force (METF). The METF will be a group of educators, community organization members, and others with an interest in promoting bilingual programs for Maine students.

Co-facilitated by the Multistate Association for Bilingual Education, Northeast, the METF will convene on the following dates from 3-5pm via Zoom:

➢ May 5, 2022: Examination of opportunities to implement dual language education programs
➢ May 12, 2022: Identifying the challenges and solutions to implement dual language education programs
➢ May 23, 2022: Begin a strategic plan to build the foundation to implement dual language education programs

Those who are interested in bilingual education, please apply here.


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