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📚ASUS x Taiwan Tech Scholarship Program📚 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  
🖋Applicants Eligibility:
-   International students, including Overseas Chinese students and students from Hong Kong, and Macao, who hold bachelor's degrees from universities abroad apply for admission to Taiwan Tech graduate programs as full-time students. 
-   Bachelor degree holders in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Design, or closely related fields. 
-   Students should submit necessary documents for admission, including their resume/CV, academic transcripts, certificate of degree, as well as a letter of recommendation.
📰Scholarship Quota and Value:
-   Quota: 26 scholarship for master's programs in electrical engineering, computer science, management, design or related disciplines are offered by ASUS.
-   Value and Benefits:
--- Waiver of tuition and fees for a maximum of two years of study.
--- The maximum subsidy a return ticket for economy class airfare to Taiwan is NTD 60,000.
--- Living allowance: Each master’s student will receive a living allowance of NTD 12,000 per month for a maximum of two years of study.
--- The maximum subsidy for Chinese language courses for each master’s student is  NTD 20,000.
--- Students will have to provide course registration documents and proof of minimum 80% course attendance.
--- After graduation, scholarship recipients are invited to apply for positions with ASUS. Their applications will be given high priority. 
📑How to apply:
-   Click to apply for the program: https://forms.gle/pVGygfemHLm8jLJw6另開新視窗
-   Application deadline: August 15, 2022 - September 16, 2022 5 PM (GST+8)
📊A Virtual Career Talk at ASUS: 
-   10:30-11:00 (Taiwan time), 31st August, 2022, register needed: https://forms.gle/f9bNDScAFbJUgVaz7另開新視窗
🖱For more information, please visit the website: https://bit.ly/ASUSscholarship另開新視窗


🖋Applicants Eligibility:
-   International students, including Overseas Chinese students and students from Hong Kong, and Macao, who hold bachelor's degrees from universities abroad apply for admission to Taiwan Tech graduate programs as full-time students. 
-   Bachelor degree holders in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Design, or closely related fields. 
-   Students should submit necessary documents for admission, including their resume/CV, academic transcripts, certificate of degree, as well as a letter of recommendation.
📰Scholarship Quota and Value:
-   Quota: 26 scholarship for master's programs in electrical engineering, computer science, management, design or related disciplines are offered by ASUS.
-   Value and Benefits:
--- Waiver of tuition and fees for a maximum of two years of study.
--- The maximum subsidy a return ticket for economy class airfare to Taiwan is NTD 60,000.
--- Living allowance: Each master’s student will receive a living allowance of NTD 12,000 per month for a maximum of two years of study.
--- The maximum subsidy for Chinese language courses for each master’s student is  NTD 20,000.
--- Students will have to provide course registration documents and proof of minimum 80% course attendance.
--- After graduation, scholarship recipients are invited to apply for positions with ASUS. Their applications will be given high priority. 
📑How to apply:
-   Click to apply for the program: https://forms.gle/pVGygfemHLm8jLJw6另開新視窗
-   Application deadline: August 15, 2022 - September 16, 2022 5 PM (GST+8)
📊A Virtual Career Talk at ASUS: 
-   10:30-11:00 (Taiwan time), 31st August, 2022, register needed: https://forms.gle/f9bNDScAFbJUgVaz7另開新視窗
🖱For more information, please visit the website: https://bit.ly/ASUSscholarship另開新視窗



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