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Call for Solutions of Green Transitions for Industrial Cities 🌱🌿 友善列印
Data Source: 國際及兩岸教育司  

🌳Green Transitions for Industrial Cities 🌱🌿

This 📣Call for Solutions📣 is open to both public and private sectors worldwide🌏 , especially industrial and port cities, to share innovative urban strategies, solutions and partnerships that harness technology, governance or business models to actively promote green behavior in society while fostering a harmonious relationship with the natural environment. In particular, the call aims to stimulate the adoption of smart, adaptable and practical solutions to ensure that no one is left behind on the path to a 🌳greener future. 🌱🌿



💖As rewards, outstanding proposals will be invited to showcase their achievements to the world at the 2024 City Climate Summit- City COP and the Asia's largest international smart city exposition - Smart City Summit & Expo (SCSE) in Kaohsiung, with expenses covered. 💖 In addition, the outstanding proposals will have the opportunity to collaborate with the Kaohsiung City Government for implementation, with resources provided. 👏


📍 Interested applicants should submit the online application form BEFORE 5:00 p.m. (GMT+8) on October 23, 2023 to complete the application process. Interested applicants can also take advantage of online one-on-one consultations via email request for any questions. 


👉 Please do not hesitate to contact info.khh.call@gmail.com or visit the following official website for more information, including the guidelines and application form: https://www.icdi.network/call-for-solutions



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