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Taiwan Studies

Ministry of Education Taiwan Studies Project Application Guidelines

1. Project Aim

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (hereafter ‘MOE’) is seeking international partnership to promote worldwide research interest in Taiwan via the establishment of an MOE-funded Taiwan Studies Project (hereafter ‘Project’). Funding for the Project is based on the following guidelines:


2. Scope of Funding

“Taiwan Studies” is here defined as interdisciplinary or academic research and teaching with institutional oversight on topics germane to the study of Taiwan. Proposed studies may focus on topical issues in the humanities and social sciences as well as on other areas of significant research and pedagogical interests.


3. Eligibility

Established universities worldwide with disciplines including but not limited to Sinology, East Asian Studies, and/or Chinese Studies are invited to submit proposals.


4. Supported Programs and Tasks

The Project provides funding for one or more of the following:

(1)  Taiwan Studies courses: these include a wide possibility of graduate and undergraduate programs, lectureship or credit courses on Taiwan Studies topics.

(2)  Scholarly visits and exchange: establish a platform to invite accomplished local and international Taiwan Studies scholars to symposia and conferences and to conduct short-term research as well as engage in teaching and other academic activities.

(3)  Taiwan Studies publications: design a substantial curriculum and develop textbooks and teaching material for a Taiwan Studies program; publish relevant research papers, books, and academic journals.

(4)  Scholarships: set up Taiwan Studies scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students as well as post-docs.

(5)  Databases and archives: build or expand a databank of Taiwan Studies to include substantial amount of books and digital collections.

(6)  Academic activities: host Taiwan Studies conferences, seminars and forums, teaching workshops, exhibitions, and other related activities.


5. Application Procedure

(1)  Interested universities or research institutes (hereafter ‘Applicant’) should contact the nearest Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (hereafter ‘TECO’) or the Republic of China diplomatic mission (hereafter ‘ROC mission’) in their region before the end of September each year to discuss the possibility of a one-year or multi-year project to promote Taiwan Studies in the Applicant’s institution or region to begin in the following year.

(2)  Applicants should submit a Taiwan Studies Chair Project proposal, as well as a budget request to the nearest TECO office or ROC mission before the end of November each year. Late applications will not be accepted.

(3)  All applications will be reviewed by the MOE. Results will be announced before March of the following year. Applicants will be notified by TECO or by the ROC mission of the results.

(4)  Applicants may be required to amend their proposal and modify their budget as requested by the MOE. A draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) jointly prepared by the Applicant and TECO or the ROC mission incorporating said amendments will be submitted to the MOE for further review.

(5)  Following the approval of the MOU, the Applicant may proceed to sign the MOU with the MOE or representatives from the ROC mission. Upon signing of the MOU, the Applicant may submit an official receipt for funding for the approved Taiwan Studies Project.


6. Required documents:

Application must be submitted at a TECO office or an ROC mission. The following are required:

(1)  Project Application Form.

(2)  A summary of the proposed Project in Chinese (furnished by TECO or the ROC mission).

(3)  Other supporting documents or information.

(4)  Request for extended period of funding or renewal of the MOU is subject to satisfactory implementation of the previous stage of the proposed Project. A standard Project Implementation Review form is required.


7. Audits for funds received:

(1)  Annual audit: Audits for funds received for the year must be submitted to the MOE within one month after the Project ends for the current year. Please request assistance from TECO or the ROC mission for filling in and submitting the required forms. Such audits shall include an annual achievement report as well as a statement of income and expenditures. The MOE will verify that all expenses listed on the audit forms comply with funding guidelines before funding allocation for the following year, if applicable, is processed.

(2)  Multi-year Project: an overall review and assessment report covering the entire period of the Project must be submitted to the MOE within one month after completing the final year of the Project. This is in addition to the required annual audit and Project assessment. 

(3)  All receipts, invoices, and proofs of expenditure must be retained by the Applicant and made available for examination upon request.


8. Funding restrictions:

(1)  Funding is limited to one Project per Applicant only. Applicants whose subsidiary unit or units are already the beneficiaries of an ongoing Project funded by the MOE may not apply.

(2)  Maximum funding period for any approved Project is 5 years.

(3)  Maximum funding available to any Project in any one year shall not exceed 100,000USD.

(4)  Funding is based on the availability of matching funds (any amount) from the Applicant.

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