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New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Signed Memoranda of Understanding with MOE in Taiwan 友善列印

New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) finalized a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Ministry of Education in Taiwan to collaborate on educational initiatives. During the signing ceremony held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy, and representatives from New Jersey and Taiwan, leaders acknowledged the importance of international cooperation in bolstering two-way economic investment, academic exchanges, and K-12 educational collaborations. 


“The agreements signed at the event highlights the importance of working with partners around the world to form a stronger and fairer economy and create a better future for our children,” said Governor Murphy. “We can learn invaluable lessons through our partnership with Taiwan, and we hope that the agreements signed today will be beneficial to the strength of both New Jersey and Taiwan.”


The MOU, signed by the NJDOE Acting Commissioner, Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan, and by Dr. Yen-Yi Lee, the Director General of Department of International and Cross-Strait Education of the Ministry of Education, calls for joint action between New Jersey and Taiwan to promote projects and academic exchanges between educators and educational institutions to encourage joint efforts in language education and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education fields. Both parties will form a working group, which will meet at least once a year, and create work plans to coordinate efforts in pursuit of the memorandum’s goals. 


“The signing of this Memorandum between the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and the New Jersey Department of Education marks a significant step for international collaboration in education,” said Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan, Acting Commissioner of Education. “ This partnership will open doors for cultural exchange and educational advancement, enhancing the learning experiences for our students in New Jersey and fostering global cooperation in the field of education.”


The MOU signing ceremony in Taiwan was part of Choose New Jersey’s economic mission to East Asia, led by Governor Murphy. The mission seeks to bolster bilateral ties between New Jersey and several Asian countries, fostering opportunities and partnerships.

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