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高雄醫學大學誠徵專任教師 - 7筆職缺 友善列印

7 Job Openings for Full-time Faculty, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan



1. 具國內、外大學生命科學相關博士學位,且博士後研究經驗 2 年(含)以上。

2. 具有獨立研究能力及生理學相關教學能力

三、應徵職位(名額):編制內助理教授(含)以上 1 名。

四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for Physiology in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine

2. Required qualifications:

(1) a doctoral degree in life sciences from a domestic or foreign university, and have at least 2 years of postdoctoralresearch experience.

(2) ability of conducting independent research and teaching physiology-related subjects.

3. Position Vacancy: Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or up)

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)



1. 取得英語教學、英美文學或人文社會學相關領域之國內外大學博士學位或其同等學歷證書者。

2. 具助理教授部證、大學全英語教學經驗者。

三、應徵職位(名額):助理教授級之英語專案教學契約人員 1 名。

四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for English language in Center for the Languages and Culture, General Education.

2. Required qualifications:

(1) a doctoral degree in TESL or English Literature or related Liberal Arts

(2) an assistant professor (or higher) certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, and EMI teachingexperience in a college/ university.

3. Position Vacancy: (program-contracted) Assistant Professor

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)



1. 具國內、外放射診斷相關專業背景之博士學位或教育部助理教授(含)以上證書者。

2. 具醫事放射師或游離輻射相關證照者尤佳。具前述證照及臨床資歷者,得應業務需要加聘至本校附屬機構。

三、應徵職位(名額):專案或編制內助理教授(含)以上 1 名。

四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for Radiological Diagnosis field in the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, College of Health Sciences 

2. Required qualifications:

(1) the candidate should either have a doctoral degree in Radiation Diagnosis (related disciplines) or the Assistant Professor (or higher) Certificate issued by Ministry of Education.

(2) the license of radiological technologist or ionizing radiation expertise is preferred. The candidate with any of the mentioned licenses and clinical qualifications may also be employed to affiliated institutions of the university according to business needs.

3. Position Vacancy: Contract or tenure-track Assistant Professor (or higher)

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)



1. 具國內、外放射治療相關專業背景之博士學位或教育部助理教授(含)以上證書者。

2. 具醫事放射師、醫學物理師或輻射防護人員證照者尤佳。具前述證照及臨床資歷者,得應業務需要加聘至本校附屬機構。

三、應徵職位(名額):專案或編制內助理教授(含)以上 1 名。

四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for Radiotherapy field in the Department of

Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, College of Health Sciences

2. Required qualifications:

(1) the candidate should either have a doctoral degree in Radiation Therapy (related disciplines) or the

Assistant Professor (or higher) Certificate issued by Ministry of Education.

(2) the license of radiological technologist, medical physicist or radiation protection personnel is preferred.

The candidate with any of the mentioned licenses and clinical qualifications may also be employed to

affiliated institutions of the university according to business needs.

3. Position Vacancy: Contract or tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)



1. 具國內、外大學醫學、藥學、化學、化工、材料、香粧品科學、臨床藥學或社會藥學相關領域之博士學位

2. 具相關領域博士後研究(1 年)或於英語國家之研究/執業經驗(1 年),或國內臨床/業界實務經驗 2 年(全英授課者優先考量)


四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) in College of Pharmacy

2. Required qualifications:

(1) Ph.D. in medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, chemical engineering, material science, cosmetics science, clinical pharmacy, social pharmacy or related fields.

(2) One-year postdoctoral research experience in related fields or working/research experience in English-speaking countries; or 2-year clinical/pharma experience. (Candidates who are capable to promote industry-academic cooperation or with English teaching competence is preferred.)

3. Position Vacancy: Contract or tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)



1. 具國內外大學藥學、臨床藥學或社會藥學等相關領域博士。

2. 具相關領域博士後研究(1 年)或於英語國家之研究/執業經驗(1 年),或國內臨床經驗 2 年



四、起聘日期:113 年 2 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for Pharmacy/Clinical Pharmacy in College of Pharmacy 

2. Required qualifications:

(1) Ph.D. in pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, social pharmacy or the related fields.

(2) One-year postdoctoral research experience in related fields or working/research experience in English-speaking countries; or 2-year clinical/pharma experience in Taiwan.

(3) English teaching competence is preferred.)

3. Position Vacancy: Contract or tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)

4. Date of Employment starting: February 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)


二、應徵資格:具國內、外大學生命科學相關博士學位者(需具博士後研究經歷 1 年以上)或教育部助理教授(含)以上證書者。

三、應徵職位(名額):專案或編制內助理教授(含)以上 1 名。

四、起聘日期:113 年 8 月 1 日(視審議進度而定)。


1. a teaching position of Assistant Professor (or higher) for Life Sciences in the Department of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology.

2. Required qualifications:a doctoral degree in Life Sciences and one-year or more postdoctoral experience; or an Assistant Professor Certificate issued by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

3. Position Vacancy: Contract or tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)

4. Date of Employment starting: August 1st, 2024 (subject to review progress).

5. Detailed Information: (click this link)


國際事務處 學術合作組





Ms. Geena Chen
Administrative Coordinator

Division of Academic Collaboration,

Office of Global Affairs,
Kaohsiung Medical University
100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd., San-Min District,

Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan

Tel: +886 7 312-1101 ext. 2863

Fax: +886 7 322-0004


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