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台灣光華雜誌 Taiwan Panorama 更新 友善列印
Data Source: 駐越南代表處教育組   電話: 84-24-3835501#8458 駐越南代表處教育組 電子信箱:tweduvn@gmail.com

台灣光華雜誌 Taiwan Panorama 更新


接著請放慢腳步,讓我們來到橫跨台南及嘉義的 #西拉雅國家風景區、和木業之都-嘉義,看著小鎮獨特的風景,旅人的心都被融化了。

▍Slow travel in small-town #Taiwan
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Taiwan Panorama sightseeing train is departing from Taipei and will be stopping in Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, Tainan, and Chiayi, carrying you on an in-depth journey through small-town Taiwan....”
In Yilan we will try fermented beancurd (known as “Asian cheese”) and chat with Lee 13 (Lee Chun-cheng), the renowned master craftsman of the erhu (two-stringed Chinese fiddle), who makes soy sauce against the background of the strains of the erhu.
Next it’s off to Hualien’s Fengbin Township and #Taitung’s Changbin Township to enjoy the flavors of the mountains and the seas.
Finally we get to the Siraya National Scenic Area in #Tainan city and #Chiayi County, where we will enjoy the unique scenery of small towns and travelers will find themselves entranced.

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