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TECO-LA Joins to Celebrate “Study Abroad Day” 友善列印

Today, February 28, marks the “Study Abroad Day” advocated by US colleges and international education organizations, to highlight and bring awareness to the benefits and impact of Study Abroad. TECO-LA is pleased to join the celebration by sharing some testimonials from international students who are currently studying in Taiwan.

Nearly one million international students have chosen to study in Taiwan in the past decade. Students come from different regions and have different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs, but all enjoy their journey studying abroad.

Watch the videos shared by U.S. and other international students to learn what it’s like to study in Taiwan and be inspired by their outstanding stories.

Welcome to Study in Taiwan Video 1

Name: Genevieve Feest (U.S.A.)

Program: Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University (NTU)

“I wanted to study abroad to experience a new language and different culture.

The Chinese Literature program at NTU dives deeper into the culture, literature and history of the Chinese-speaking world.

NTU has a wide variety of courses, many different clubs and things to do on campus.

My first impression of Taiwan was the warmth of the people. From my host families, my classmates, teachers, and even strangers on the street.

Taiwan has so much to offer that would attract me to stay. I would encourage fellow students to just go for it. Come see for yourself and experience all that Taiwan has to offer.”

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/5lmzmKeSAFg

Welcome to Study in Taiwan Video 2

Name: Trey Hairston (U.S.A.)

Program: Master Program in Applied Linguistics at Yuan Ze University

“Taiwan is clean, easy to travel, and people are friendly.

The Global Affairs Office providing events for international students allows them to learn more about Taiwan culture and also helps to make friends with Taiwanese students.

Taiwan is easy to get around and the standard of living is very high.

Taiwan is a safe environment that makes for a friendly and peaceful time.

I would love to stay and develop my career after graduation.”

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/A2ueiKT5830

Welcome to Study in Taiwan Video 3

Name: Connie G. Chan (U.S.A.)

Program: International Bachelor Program of Culinary Arts at National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT)

“I really wanted to study abroad to get out of my comfort zone and experience new cultures while at the same time expanding my knowledge of international cuisines.

In America, I was able to meet 3 extraordinarily talented chefs all of whom are affiliated with NKUHT.

The teachers and chefs pay great attention to details, as well as help to develop and hone your skills, but they are also caring and understanding to each individual student.

Taiwan offers me the chance to expand my knowledge of its culture and cuisine, and hopefully, to bring it back to the US to educate and inspire others.”

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/JZ-yDfqWTjY

Welcome to Study in Taiwan Video 4

Name: Rogelio Antonio Martinez Moran (Honduras)

Program: International Bachelor Degree Program at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)

“I would like to pursue a higher level of education since I think my employment opportunities are getting bigger.

My program is very difficult but so worthy. The best part about the program is that all my classes are in English. One of the most satisfying things is the amount of knowledge that I will get in my classes. Those allow me to get into more complicated topics.

I met some very good friends in Taiwan who helped me and guided me through the challenges of living abroad.

After graduation, I’d love to stay in Taiwan and experience the job market in as many fields as possible.”

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/m5bl8m-JmZE

Welcome to Study in Taiwan Video 5

Name: Wojciech Sochacki (Poland)

Program: MBA- Global Business Program at Soochow University

“I always thought it is a great idea to go and study abroad, to learn something new.

Since I did my Bachelor’s degree in Warsaw, Poland, I knew my only other chance of studying abroad would be doing a Master’s. Asia seemed to be the next step for me.

I participated in most events for local students. They were so much fun, I met a lot of people and I really learned a lot.

Learning in Taiwan is really an eye-opening experience. I got to appreciate Asian and Taiwanese cultures more. I realize how beautiful they are, how different they are from our European ones.

If you are considering going to Taiwan, just go for it. Trust me, this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

Studying in Taiwan is your best choice!”

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/W1gfZ-lUl7U


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