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The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) administers a Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies. This program is aimed at professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers), and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes.

The grant may be used for research on any topic within the field of Chinese studies or Taiwan studies. The research project may span from one month to one year in Taiwan, and the CCS will provide assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc.

The grant provides the recipient with a round-trip flight to Taiwan (economy class), with a monthly research stipend according to the following scale:

Full Professor NT$ 60,000 Associate Professor NT﹩50,000
Assistant Professor NT﹩40,000 Doctoral Candidate NT﹩40,000

Interested scholars are invited to apply with the CCS by May 31st each year.

For further program details and application information, please visit the program's website: http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/ENGLISH/index.aspx

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