

駐美代表處教育組受維吉尼亞州喬治梅森大學邀請,於美國國防部委託該校辦理儲備軍官學員暑期語言學習獎助計畫課堂推介我國國情及優質華語教學資源,盼增進、鼓勵更多美國新一代軍事國防人才友我情誼及赴臺學習 友善列印
Director Sophie Chou Left 4th and Secretary Robert Lee Right 2nd from Education Division, TECRO, Chair Pf. Karl Zhang Right 1st from George Mason University and all the Project GO cadets01_大圖

In order to increase the understanding of U.S. military students toward Taiwan quality Mandarin education, Education Division Director Sophie Chou of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) was invited to give George Mason University (GMU) Project Global Officer Program (Project GO) cadets a lecture on Taiwan Mandarin learning resources and multiple scholarships of Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) in a Taiwan session at GMU on June 21st.

During the session, Secretary Robert Lee firstly introduced an overview of Taiwan and then shared some insights from TECRO Rep. Alexander Yui toward politics, defense and economy between Taiwan and the U.S. while he recently accepted Bloomberg channel’s interview. Director Chou not only introduced the current system of Taiwan higher education, but also promoted multiple Mandarin learning resources such as MOE Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.

Cadets were separated into groups to discuss and present on topics of Taiwan Mandarin learning and diplomatic coalition’s approaches to face the international security challenges. They were all enthusiastically involved through the discussion with significant feedbacks. For example, a cadet named John from Tennessee State vivdly reflected his viewpoint that how the U.S. can work together along with democratic partners to strengthen Taiwan’s self-defense under the international context.

Project GO, is a national initiative program supported by the U.S. Department of Defense for Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) students offering the opportunity gain valuable language skills and intercultural experiences. Project GO in affiliation with GMU provides a fully-funded opportunity for GMU and non-GMU students on University’s Fairfax campus. This program includes courses with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages over the seven weeks and cultural activities beyond campus.


  • 相關圖片
    1. Director Sophie Chou Left 4th and Secretary Robert Lee Right 2nd from Education Division, TECRO, Chair Pf. Karl Zhang Right 1st from George Mason University and all the Project GO cadets01
    2. Director Sophie Chou Left 4th and Secretary Robert Lee Right 2nd from Education Division, TECRO, Chair Pf. Karl Zhang Right 1st from George Mason University and all the Project GO cadets02
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