Event: Leadership Training Workshop
Date: 08/04/2018 Saturday Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Exhibition Room, Culture Center of TECRO
901 Wind River Lane Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-869-8585
Cost: Free (Provide snack and lunch)
Limited seats available, please register early.
Registration link: https://goo.gl/forms/ 4T4XPvC8cLFojLKD2
The updated instructors info:
1. C. Marie Taylor President & CEO Leadership Montgomery Note: The charge of this speaker will be $1,000 for a 90 minutes presentation and 30 minutes discussion.
2. Dr. Matthew Lin (林元清 副助理部長) Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of HHS
3. Hsu Terry Wang (陳旭昭 校長), Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) President New World Bilingual Institute (NWBI) International Consultant, George Mason University (GMU) This will be a valuable workshop!
Co-Sponsors: ILF – Leadership Training Committee DC Hsinchu TsingHua Alumni Association 華府清華大學校友會 NCKU Alumni Association-DC 華府成功大學校友會 Chinese US Community Service Association 大華府台客幫 Chinese-American Professionals Association of Metropolitan Washington DC 華府國建聯誼會