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Intl K-12 Exchange Window

IEW has two main functions:

1. Uploading information for bilateral exchanges

Both Taiwan and foreign schools are welcome to log on to the IEW webpage and submit their invitations and proposals for bilateral exchanges at any time.

The IEW office will verify the submitted information frequently, pass the information from foreign schools on to Taiwan schools through the 26 International Education Resource Centers (IERCs) and also forward the information from Taiwan schools to foreign schools through Taiwan’s embassies and representatives.

2. Providing opportunities for bilateral exchanges

Both Taiwan and foreign schools could search for exchange opportunities and target partner schools by country, language, school level and affiliation, type of exchange or other specific conditions. 

After selecting the target partner schools, either school could directly contact each other. During the process, schools may approach the IEW office provides matching assistance through the 26 International Education Resource Centers (IERCs) in Taiwan as well as Taiwan’s Embassies and Representative Offices overseas. 

To request for an account, school representatives and officials may email philippines@mail.moe.gov.tw

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