

【駐地消息】駐舊金山教育組促成臺大訪問應用材料公司 討論未來合作 友善列印

駐舊金山教育組安排國立臺灣大學袁孝維國際長2022年7月18日參訪全球最大的半導體製造設備服務供應商應用材料公司(Applied Materials, Inc.),拜會楊燿宏設計總監。雙方討論選送臺大學生到應用材料公司實習的可能性,期望透過實習機會讓學生學以致用、增廣見聞、提升國際競爭力。





E-mail: sanfrancisco@mail.moe.gov.tw


Education Division TECO – SF Helped NTU Visit Applied Materials, Inc.


On July 18, National Taiwan University’s (NTU) Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Hsiao-Wei Yuan visited Applied Materials, Inc. in Santa Clara via the assistance of Education Division TECO – SF. The purpose of this visit was to seek the opportunities for internship.


The tour was hosted by Dr. Yao-Hung Yang, the Senior Director of Mechanical Design Engineering, who was also a Ministry of Education scholarship recipient in 2004. The crew visited the “Time Gallery” of Applied Materials and their wet lab, learned more about the company’s history and semi-conductor manufacturing process. During the meeting, Vice President Yuan and Senior Director Yang also discussed about the collaboration between NTU and Applied Materials. Applied Materials is the largest equipment, services and software supplier for the manufacture of semiconductor chips for electronics, flat panel displays for computers, smartphones, televisions, and solar products. It also supplies equipment to produce coatings for flexible electronics, packaging and other applications. If a collaboration happen, it will be an opportunity for NTU students to broaden their horizons, apply their knowledge, and enhance their international competitiveness.


Besides the internship collaboration, the both sides also discussed about connecting the center that NTU set in Milpitas since June 2016, as known as “NTU@SV”, with their graduate school of advanced technology, and Applied Materials, to provide the students with more learning possibilities and a chance to explore the industry. Both Vice President Yuan and Senior Director Yang enjoyed a very productive conversation. 

▲Left: Hsiao-Wei Yuan (the vice president for academic affairs, NTU). Right: Yao-Hung Yang (the senior director of mechanical design engineering, Applied Materials).

▲From the left: Shannon, Michael (engineers, Applied Materials), Yao-Hung Yang, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Stone Ding (National Taiwan University), Hua-Hsin Hsu, and Eva Lin (research assistants, Education Division, TECO in San Francisco).


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