

【駐地消息】啟明啟蒙學校華語教師教學心得分享 友善列印


陳柔含 教學心得分享




Jou-Han Chen, the Mandarin Teacher of Kai Ming Head Start School

Classroom Observation

When I first arrived at PreK classroom, I got a strong culture shock. There were million

questions bumped in my head but I chose to open my mind first instead of asking questions with no clue.

After one month of the new-school-year, some of the children in my class still used to speak

Cantonese to me even they know I can’t speak Cantonese at all. The reason why they feel free

to share everything directly with their home language to me because I respond them by "active listening skill", which is a good way to build our relationship easily. Just show them my smiling face and keep nodding all the time when they were talking. Also, I always bending down and

look at children in their eyes while we are talking that helps me know better their meaning by

looking through their eyes. Surprisingly, there were no severe language conflict between us,

even though I looked confused sometimes. They were still able to confidently express their

ideas in a variety of ways, while at the same time guiding me into their world. We bringing out

our own characteristics, values and cultures then integrating and creating a new world of our

own in the end.

Surrounding by unfamiliar things, it is easy to be afraid of everything specially as a teacher, but I turn these pressure into improvement. I’m able to re-examine my professionalism as a teacher

and clarify my educational philosophy. Also I’m more certain that I want to be an adult who is

worth trusted by children, embracing them in all their facets no matter good or bad. Wish that I

can take on a supportive role for them.


陶映蓉 教學心得分享








語音剛落,浩克男孩便衝到我面前,央求我替他穿上這件超酷的衣服,Teacher Sherry



Yin-Jung Tao, the Mandarin Teacher of Kai Ming Head Start School

Classroom Observation

It’s been three exciting weeks since the first day of my new job as a Lead

Teacher in my San Francisco preschool affiliated with Head Start, a government

program providing great free education to children from low-income families. I’m still

adapting to many cultural classroom practices that are so very different from my

experiences growing up in Taiwan. Take lunch time, for example. In Taiwan, we usually

ask children to focus on eating and not speak. However, American culture encourages

children to freely talk and express themselves, even during meal times.

My preschool meals are served family style. We all share food from common

serving bowls, encouraging children to serve themselves. During meals, teachers and

children often talk about various qualities of the food, such as discussing vegetable

colors, bean shapes and the tastes of different types of bread.

As teachers in our program’s very diverse classrooms, reflecting the incredible

range of San Francisco’s ever-growing immigrant population, we frequently say food

names in different languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese

and English, among other languages. It’s always fun when I show an apple to the

children, who excitedly shout “apple,” before also enthusiastically calling out “Ping Guo,”

repeating this Mandarin word that I am teaching them. My classroom experience has

also been a great education for me as I learn many words in other languages, as well as

fascinating cultural customs, from my diverse children and their parents.



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    1. 圖說_啟明啟蒙學校華語教師陳柔含教學情況
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