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National Chengchi University Master’s Program of Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) Open for 2023 Admission 友善列印
Data Source: 國際司-交流接待科  

The Master’s Program of Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) was established at National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Feburary, 2022. It is the first international and interdisciplinary graduate program in Taiwan to train comprehensive communication skills in new media technology by incorporating faculty and resources from five of NCCU’s colleges: Communication, Informatics, Law, Liberal Arts, and Innovation.

Additionally, GCIT provides the best facilities and bilingual education, with courses in both English and Chinese. Through new media innovation and creative training from domestic and international experts in academia and industry, together with cooperation and mutual exchange with partner universities, our goal is to cultivate outstanding media talent with both local consciousness and a global vision, who can also incorporate knowledge from the fields of humanities, social sciences, and communication technology.The future career of GCIT graduates includes, but is not limited to, the public sector, domestic and international enterprises, non-profit organizations, international media, media management in the R & D divisions, and content production on social media platforms. We hope to equip our students with the practical and professional skills to take on the challenges of the rapid development of global new media by reporting, producing, and integrating content using the best communication technology to date.


GCIT_FACT SHEET_highres.pdf

For more information please visit https://gcit.nccu.edu.tw/


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