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About Us

ContactAccount: 林逸       Data Source: 國際司-交流接待科       ContactInfo: ylin8@mail.moe.gov.tw       


Our office was established in 1970, named Cultural Division under the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Chicago. It is one of seven overseas arms of the Taiwan Ministry of Education in the U.S.A. Its service area includes ten states in the Midwest. We renamed as Education Division in 2013.


  1. Enhance the academic cooperation between educational institutions and administrations in the U.S. and Taiwan:
    1. Arrange Taiwan visits by educational governors, leaders and scholars
    2. Promote Taiwan studies initiative in higher education institutes
    3. Recruit U.S. English teachers to teach in Taiwan
    4. Provide Taiwanese Mandarin Teachers to teach in U.S.A.
    5. Support international exchange programs and sister schools establishment
  2. Encourage American students to study in Taiwan.
  3. Offer assistance and liaise with students from Taiwan
  4. Collect and analyze the latest international education information for the references of Taiwan education reform and policy making.

Service Area

Contact Us

  • Tel: (312) 616-0805
    Fax: (312) 297-1309
    Email:  chicago@mail.moe.gov.tw
    Add: 55 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60601

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