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TECO-LA Joins to Celebrate “Study Abroad Day” and invites you to explore educational opportunities in Taiwan. 友善列印

February 27 marks the “Study Abroad Day,” which is advocated by US colleges and international education organizations to highlight and raise awareness of the benefits and impact of studying abroad. TECO-LA is pleased to join in the celebration by sharing testimonials from international students who are currently studying in Taiwan.

"As Taiwan's education is recognized worldwide, obtaining a degree in Taiwan will open doors to opportunities." -Panjavich Khodthong from Thailand, an international student of the International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (國立陽明交通大學NYCU).

Nearly one million international students from diverse regions and backgrounds have pursued their studies in Taiwan over the past decade. These students bring unique cultural and religious perspectives, but share a common experience of a fulfilling academic journey. We welcome you to Taiwan to study and obtain a degree, like Panjavich and many others, and the MOE Taiwan scholarship will be a boost to advance this goal. Applications are now open until March 31, 2023. Please visit https://depart.moe.edu.tw/LA/cp.aspx?n=97B4353176AA9580&s=F14A8A36E730B4C9 to learn more or contact losangeles@mail.moe.gov.tw for assistance.


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