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National Taiwan Library announces Research Grant to promote Taiwan studies and Southeast Asia research 友善列印

The National Taiwan Library is pleased to announce a Research Grant designed to encourage and award experts and scholars from around the world who are interested in Taiwan studies and Southeast Asia research. This grant invites scholars to come to Taiwan to conduct academic research utilizing the precious collections in the library or engage in international collaborative research with the library.

❖Eligibility: The Research Grant welcomes applications from professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates and researchers in relevant fields. 

❖Benefits: Covers one round-trip economy ticket and monthly research stipends. 

❖ Application Deadline: May 15, 2023 (UTC+8:00)

❖Award Duration: Successful applicants will receive funding for a period of 3 to 6 months. 

Please visit https://wwwacc.ntl.edu.tw/ct.asp?xItem=86612&ctNode=2198&mp=5 for more information.


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