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Taiwan Scholarship


● Can I accept more than one scholarship?

You can only accept ONE type of scholarship offered by a government agency or educational institution (universities and colleges) in Taiwan.

● What is the maximum duration of each scholarship?

The award period for each study program is as follows:

a. Undergraduate program: 4 years

b. Master’s program: 2 years

c. Doctoral program: 4 years

The maximum length of the total awards for each recipient undertaking a combination of studies is 5 years.

● What degree programs in Taiwan universities are instructed in English?

Reference List of Universities/Colleges Providing Degree Programs Taught in English

2025_Degree Programs Taught in English.pdf (for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients)

● What degree programs in Taiwan universities admit international students or offer scholarships for foreign students?

For degree programs offered to Taiwan Scholarship applicants, please find the school of your choice from Study in Taiwan and search school’s website to find the program of your desire.

● Does the program begin and end on two specified dates?

The actual award period begins from the month that you matriculate at your intended institution and ends in the month of program completion. However, the award will be terminated immediately if you drop out, are expelled, have the scholarship revoked, or graduate early.

● I can not arrive in Taiwan before the annual award period starts. What can I do?

Annual award period is from September 1st through August 31st of the following year. Recipients must matriculate within the award period, unless approved in advance by the receiving school and the MOE. If recipients fail to arrive in Taiwan to study without prior approval, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be deferred for another year.

● How would late arrival affect my scholarship?

If recipients begin their study after the intended study term/quarter has started, their award period will become effective from the month they matriculate at their university/college in Taiwan.

● Can I extend the duration of the scholarship?

No, you cannot extend the duration of the scholarship. Additional study may be taken at your own expense. If so, proof of funds must be provided to the recipient’s scholarship agency and school.

● Can I re-apply for the Taiwan Scholarship?

Upon completion of a degree program, recipients may reapply by February 28th of each year for the Taiwan Scholarship to undertake a higher degree program by following the application process as specified above. The maximum duration of each recipient’s total award period is 5 years.

● After entering into the degree study, will I be able to renew my scholarship automatically every academic year?

There is a renewal process for every academic year. To review recipients’ award qualifications for the next academic year, individual universities/colleges will conduct an evaluation regarding the Taiwan Scholarship award status for renewal by February 28th of each year.

● What are the grading criteria to review my award qualification?

Each educational institution may set their own grading criteria for the required passing minimum grade point average for each semester, or may employ the current grading criteria, which is 70 out of 100 for undergraduate and 80 for graduates.

Recipients whose GPA falls below the passing standard will have their scholarships suspended for 1 month; whose GPA is below the passing standard for 2 consecutive semesters will have their scholarships revoked starting the next semester.

For recipients in the 3rd year of their doctoral program, this evaluation should be conducted in accordance with the regulations of their individual institutions, since systems vary from discipline to discipline, in terms of requirements for session credits and scheduling of the writing of their dissertations.

● Under what circumstances will my scholarship be terminated early?

Generally speaking, all awards will end by the last month of their specified award period; however, if recipients graduate, drop out, are expelled from their institutions, violate R.O.C. laws, are given any major demerits, or their scholarship is revoked, whichever comes first, the award will be terminated.

● When will I receive the Certificate of Scholarship? What is it for?

In principle, all recipients will receive one copy of the Certificate of Scholarship from a Taiwanese representative office or embassy by July 31th. The certificate is used as a personal financial statement for applying for schools and for obtaining an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).


● How are stipends granted?

In principle, stipends are granted monthly, through the universities/colleges where the recipients attend and follow the methods as specified by the individual institutions.

● In what situations will the stipend be suspended?

A recipient may be suspended scholarship for one month, or for longer period or even being cancelled, if he or she:

1. If a recipient fails to achieve a specified minimum academic average for a semester, his/her stipends will be suspended for one month.

2. If a recipient fails to achieve a specified minimum academic average for two consecutive semesters, he/she will be permanently disqualified from receiving any Taiwan Scholarship awards, effective and beginning from the next academic term (semester).

3. After a recipient registers at his/her school, if he/she absent for more than one-thirds of a single month or leaves our country without the school’s permission, except for summer and winter vacations, his/her stipends will be suspended for the months he/she was not in Taiwan. And the universities will evaluate whether recipients’ scholarships will be suspended or not.

● In what situations will the scholarship and remaining stipends be cancelled?

Usually, as long as recipient maintains the required academic grades and attendance standards, his/her scholarship will be safe to keep. A recipient may be permanently disqualified from receiving the scholarship and stipends under these conditions:

1. Failure during the annual renewal evaluation of his/her Taiwan scholarship.

2. Dropping out, expulsion, violation of R.O.C. laws, or receiving any major demerits.

3. Simultaneously receiving another scholarship or subsidy offered by the Taiwan government or educational institutions. However, this does not include tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidized by the Ministry of Education and school as stipulated in the Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines.

4. Recipients are not allowed to study in any other country as exchange or dual/joint degree students. Should such a case occur, the recipients’ scholarships will be revoked and the remainder of the award period shall not be retained or deferred. Recipients on exchange as part of the degree program are exempt from this rule, but they shall not receive any tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidy or any stipends during the time period outside of Taiwan.

5. Failure to submit at the time or registration for each semester a copy of Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) noted with “Pursuing Study” as the reason for stay by the deadline specified by the recipient’s university/college, or alters the reason for stay while in receipt of the scholarships.

6. Entering employment without a work permit. In addition to applying for a work permit, recipients must also gain approval from MOE and school prior to working. Failure to do so will result in the scholarship immediately revoked and he/she must return stipends received since the employment.

● I have not yet received my stipend for this month. Whom should I speak to?

Your stipend may be temporally suspended or revoked permanently for some reasons, please read the above FAQ carefully for the related regulations. The payment might also be delayed in the first month of the school year due to accounting and/or administrative processes. Therefore, recipients are advised to prepare sufficient funds for living expenses for this period of time. Please first contact your designated school/center officer for inquires or questions in this matter.

● What if I can not afford the school fees that I am responsible to pay?

Students are responsible for all additional fees and expenses that are not covered by the scholarship, which may include but not limited to the following: Insurance, Dormitory fee, Computer & Network fees and some other specific fees. In case of personal financial hardship, recipients may apply to their registered universities/colleges for payments to be deducted directly from their monthly stipends.

2024_Tuition & Miscellaneous Expense Discounts.pdf



● When and how do I apply for admission to a school?

Applications are usually accepted between January and April for that year. Please note that each university/college may have different deadline, check the list of Study in Taiwan or contact the school of your choice for correct deadline information.

● How do I decide on my major?

This is of your choice. However, please take language level and cost of expenses into consideration when choosing schools and courses.

●  When will I find out if I am accepted by the school?

Decisions on applications are usually sent between May and July.

● Where do I register for the TOCFL? Which language level should I register for? Will my scholarship agency pay for my TOCFL registration fee?

The TOCFL tests are usually held in late March or early April of every year in Los Angeles. You can register 3-4 weeks prior to the test; the registration fee is the full responsibility of the recipient. For further inquiries please contact losangeles@mail.moe.gov.tw.

 Academic Advice

● I am having trouble understanding classes. What can I do?

Please speak to your instructor and advisor. If the classes remain too challenging, you have other options including transferring majors or schools. Please note that you are only allowed to transfer schools once and only if the schools approve such a request.

● What do I need to submit to transfer to another institution?

After studying for a semester at a university/college, a recipient may be allowed to transfer once to another university/college/department listed in the Study in Taiwan during the course of a degree, if the pertinent educational institutions approve this request.

Recipients that wish to transfer to a different degree program at another university/college/department/graduate school must re-apply to their designated Taiwan Representative Offices.

● My grade is below the class average. Is it possible to have a make-up test?

There are different sets of guidelines according to schools. Please speak to your instructor and advisor about having make-up tests.

Visa Status/ARC and others 

●Visa Application and Document Authentication (for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients)

Visa Category: Multi-entry Resident Visa. 

Purpose of Stay: Pursuing degree in Taiwan. 

Document Authentication: diploma and grade transcript.

Please direct the application and inquiry to your local TECO's consular service office. 

For US citizens who live in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, please visit the TECO LA Consular Service Office website for more Visa Application Information.

For applicants who are located outside of the above listed areas, please contact the designated Taiwan Representative Office in your area or in the nearest location.

● What is an Alien Residence Certificate (ARC)? How do I apply for it?

Foreign nationals who have entered Taiwan on resident visas are required to apply for an ARC in order to stay legally in the country. You need to apply for the ARC at your local National Immigration Agency service center within 15 days of arrival. Please note that there is a penalty fine for those who fail to apply for an ARC before expiration.  Please go to Information for Foreigners for detailed information.

● I have just transferred to a new school but my passport has a visa stamp for the previous institution. Do I need to apply for a new visa to re-enter Taiwan?

You do not need to re-apply if your visa indicates an “FS” code. You do need to re-apply, however, if your visa indicates an “FR” code which is for LEP students. Please have your scholarship certificate, admission letter, student ID card (stamped by the registrar’s office of your new school), passport and ARC (valid at least for 6 months), and two passport photos ready to update your visa information at your local Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) branch. A list of branch offices can be found on the BOCA website. 

● Am I allowed to work in Taiwan?

Taiwan Scholarship recipients may not enter illegal employment/ work-study. Fail to do so, will result in the immediate revocation of the scholarship. In addition to applying for a work permit, the student must also notify her/his school and gain approval from school and MOE prior to working in order to maintain his/her qualification for the scholarship. Fail to do so, other than immediate revocation of the scholarship, will also have to return their stipend given to them since their employment/work-study.

● How do I apply for a work permit?

Foreign students who want to work in Taiwan must hold a valid work permit. Students can apply for work permits at the Workforce Development Agency of Ministry of Labor. Online application. For other questions concerning work permit, please visit the EZwork website.

● What insurance do I need upon arrival? Will my school and scholarship agency pay for the insurance fees?

You are required to obtain travel and health insurance, valid for at least four months from the date of your arrival, before you are eligible to participate in the Taiwan’s National Health Insurance plan. If you use your us health insurance and buy travel insurance from abroad, these insurance policies must bear the authentication of your designated TECO office (As how to authenticate, please refer to TECO LA consular service office’s instruction at website). Please note that you are required to have travel and health insurance for matriculation, the fees for which you are responsible. Some schools may be able to enroll you into some insurance plans, please check with your school for details.

● Am I required to join the National Health Insurance (NHI) system? If so, how do I join?

 It is mandatory by law that recipients, who have an award period for six months or more, participate in the National Health Insurance Plan (NHI) after they have resided and studied in Taiwan for four months; and the necessary fees should be paid by recipients. Some schools provide students with enrollment services. You will need your passport, ARC, and two passport photos to apply. 

● What is the consequence for not being covered by NHI?

In case of serious illness or an accident, you will have to pay for all medical expenses at relatively high rates.

● What other insurance plans am I required to join?

You are required to join the Student Accident Insurance plan during your period of study in Taiwan. Most schools provide students with enrollment services. The insurance rate is approximately NTD 4,956 per semester (Subject to change without notification).


●Is my school responsible for housing arrangements?

Some schools do not provide housing services, so please confirm with your school before arriving in Taiwan. Living in a youth hostel is an economical option while apartment hunting. To find a youth hostel online, please go to the Taiwan Youth Hostel Association website.

● What do I need to know about renting an apartment in Taiwan?

Taiwan is generally a safe place to live. Most landlords request a deposit of one or two months’ rent on signing the lease as damage security.

● Can my scholarship agency help me with housing disputes?

No, your scholarship agency is not able to help you with housing disputes. Please speak to your school for assistance.

Student loan issue

● How can I go to Taiwan if I have unpaid student loan?

Due to financial circumstances, many students in the United States take out loans which they agree to pay upon the completion of their college education. If a student chooses to pursue a higher degree at an institution recognized by their lender they can choose to defer loan payments while in school. Unfortunately, many international colleges and universities, are not recognized by U.S. loan programs. However, this need not be an obstacle to students who wish to pursue higher education abroad in Taiwan. Depending on your loan vendor, payments can often be deferred if proof enrollment is presented in a timely manner; if a deferment cannot be obtained, a forbearance due to financial circumstances can usually be arranged. The circumstances of every student will vary according to the number of loans they have taken out, the amount they owe, and so on. Accordingly, the prospective student should make the proper inquiries to their loan vendor in a timely manner before beginning their education abroad. (This answer is contributed by John Barthelette, who was a 2008 Taiwan Scholarship recipient, John earned his Master degree from the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University in 2012.)  

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