Introduction of Taiwan Scholarship
Since 2004, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China has established the Taiwan Scholarship Program to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan. The Scholarship provides study opportunities in a wide range of disciplines at Taiwan’s best universities and colleges, including such leading fields as information technologies, international relations and business management, Chinese language, literature and art history, teaching Chinese as a second language, etc.
●What are the benefits of the scholarship?
Starting in the year 2016, the benefits of the Taiwan Scholarship have been slightly changed. The benefits policy mainly includes two parts: Tuition/Miscellaneous Fee Subsidy and a Stipend, detailed as follows:1. Tuition and Miscellaneous expenses: MOE will pay for each recipient the above-mentioned tuition and miscellaneous fees up to NTD40,000 per semester; where the amount is over NTD40,000, the remaining amount must be paid to the university/college by the students.2. Stipend: a monthly stipend of NTD15,000 for undergraduate, or NTD20,000 for graduate recipient will be distributed through the school to cover their living and other expenses. (1 USD = approx. 30 TWD, subject to change)Other fees may include, but are not limited to, “Thesis Advising Fee”, “Insurance”, “Dormitory Fee”, “Computer & Network Fee”, etc. These additional expenses will be solely the responsibility of the recipient.
●How long is the award period?
The award period for each study program varies as follows:
1. Bachelor’s program: maximum 4 years
2. Master’s program: maximum 2 years.
3. Doctoral program: maximum 4 years.
●Maximum Duration of Combination of Awards
Upon completion of a degree program, recipients may reapply Taiwan Scholarship to undertake a higher degree program. However, the maximum duration of each recipient’s total award period is 5 years.
● Annual Award Period
The Annual award period is from September 1st through August 31st of the following year. Recipients must report to their school and matriculate within the required period. If recipients fail to arrive in Taiwan to register and study during this period, unless approved in advance by the receiving institution and the MOE, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be deferred.
If recipients begin their study after the intended study term/quarter has started, their award period will become effective from the month they actually report to and matriculate at their universities/colleges in Taiwan.
● Expiration of Award
All awards will end by the last month of their specified award period. However, if recipients graduate, drop out, are expelled from their institutions, violate R.O.C. laws, receive any major demerits, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes first, the award will be terminated.
● Scholarship quotas and designated offices
This year, three Taiwan Scholarships will be available for applicants from the Southwest areas of the USA who is applying for the Bachelor, Master or Doctoral Programs. Applicants who have a permanent address or are currently enrolling or have been enrolled within the past 3 years full-time in a university located in the following areas - Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Caroline Islands, Guam, Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, please contact:
Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Los Angeles
4401 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Attention: Ms. Meiling Lu at meiling@mail.moe.gov.tw
American applicants who are not in the above mentioned areas, please check your designated TECO office listed below:
Areas Designated TECO Offices in USA
●Areas: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Bermuda Island, Delaware
●Designated TECO Office:Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the United States.
●Areas: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Education
●Designated TECO Office: Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Boston.
●Areas: Northern California, Nevada, Utah, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, ashington,Wyoming
●Designated TECO Office:Education Division, TECO in San Francisco.
●Areas: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri ●Designated TECO Office: Education Division, TECO in Houston.
●Areas: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
●Designated TECO Office: Education Division, TECO in Chicago.
●Areas: Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
●Designated TECO Office: Education Division, TECO in New York.
Note: Please be advised that each TECO office may have different quotas, guidelines, requirements, selection processes, and even deadlines. Please directly contact your designated TECO office for details by the end of January.
For applicants located outside of the USA, please contact the Taiwan Representative Office located in your country or the nearest country. Check online for your Taiwan Representative Office’s contact information at Overseas Office of Republic of China (Taiwan).

An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Be a US citizen.
2. Be a high school graduate or above, have excellent academic performance in his/her most recent formal educational study experience, be of good moral character and not have any criminal records.
A person in any of the following categories is ineligible to apply:
1. An R.O.C. national (See Dual Nationality ) or an overseas Chinese student.
2. A person who already has and is continuing to maintain student status at any university/college in Taiwan or who has already registered to begin studies at such a university/college. This restriction does not apply to a student who will be graduating after completing a degree that year. They may apply for a Taiwan Scholarship to pursue a higher degree.
3. A person who has already studied in Taiwan for a degree at the same level as the one in which they currently intend to enroll.
4. An exchange student or dual/joint degree student who has been admitted to a university/college in Taiwan in accordance with an academic cooperation agreement between that university/college and an overseas university/college.
5. A person who has already been a Taiwan Scholarship recipient for a total of five years.
6. A person who has ever previously had their Taiwan Scholarship or MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship revoked.
7. A person who has received any other scholarship or subsidy from any Taiwan Government institution (organization) or any education institution in Taiwan, apart from any subsidies provided for a Taiwan Scholarship recipient by their university/college to cover the outstanding amount if the total amount of their tuition and other fees exceeds the scholarship limit.
Please note, applicants must apply directly to the university/college for admission within the application deadline. Each university/college sets its own application deadline.

Application Procedure
● When to apply?
The yearly application period for Taiwan Scholarship Program is from February 1st through March 31st, unless specified otherwise.
●Where to apply?
By mail
Applicants who have a permanent address or are currently enrolled or have been enrolled within the past three years full-time in a university located in the following areas: Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Caroline Islands, Guam, Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, please send all required documents to:
Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Los Angeles
4401 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Attention: Ms. Meiling Lu at meiling@mail.moe.gov.tw
Via Website
Applicants must register and complete the application through https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply/
●What materials are needed to apply?
The following documents are required before the application can be processed:
1. One copy of the completed application form.
2. One photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.
3. One photocopy of the highest-level diploma and an official complete grade transcript.
4. A photocopy of admission application materials to universities/colleges in Taiwan (e.g., photocopies of application fee remittance, application form, receipt of application from universities/colleges, email confirmation).
5. Two recommendation letters, signed and sealed in envelopes (i.e. from the principals, professors, or supervisors). Photocopies and email submissions of letters of recommendation will not be considered. Photocopies is not acceptable. The letters need to be send or email directly to our office.
6. A copy of a language proficiency certificate.
(1) For applications to undertake a program not completely taught in English: A copy of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) test score report or certificate of Level 3 or above shall be submitted.
(2) For the applicant wants to undertake a program completely taught in English, the TOCFL requirement may be exempted. However, applicants who submit TOCFL certificate or test score report will be considered with priority.
7. A complete and signed Taiwan Scholarship Terms of Agreement .
Applications must be complete in full. All incomplete applications are ineligible for consideration, and persons submitting incomplete applications will be withdrawn from the selection process without further notice.
● Orientation Guidelines Before Departure (Word)

The Taiwan Scholarhsip Program General Regulations announced by the Education Division, TECO in Los Angeles are adapted from the "Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines". If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the Ministry of Education regulations and TECO regulations, the Ministry of Education regulations (Chinese version) shall prevail. Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by relevant MOE regulations.

Additional Important Information
What else should applicants do?
1. Please note that scholarship applications and school admission applications are separate. Applicants must apply directly to the university/college for admission within the application deadline. Each university/college sets its own application deadline.
2. Applicants who are granted scholarships are not guaranteed admission to any university/college. Applicants must make note of the different deadlines for scholarships and school admission. As for how to apply for admission, please refer to the “Taiwan Scholarship FAQ” section.
3. Applicants who need to take the TOCFL test should plan in advance. The Education Division of TECO in Los Angeles usually holds the annual TOCFL listening and reading test in late March or early April. For the upcoming on-site testing schedule and further inquiries please contact losangeles@mail.moe.gov.tw.
Selection Process and Criteria:
1. In principle, selection priority will be given to those who have successfully secured admission to a university/college and potentially will be capable of completing the degree study.
2. Recipients should achieve an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above and a graduate GPA of 3.5 or above (on a 4.5 scale). Where grade conversion calculation differs, TECO will base its conversion calculations on the aforementioned calculation guidelines to select outstanding applicants from prestigious universities/colleges.
3. When the GPA and application conditions are equivalent, priority will be given to applicants holding TOCFL level 4 (intermediate) or above certificates.
4. Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be interviewed, and will be notified of the preliminary result of the selection by the designated TECO Office by no later than May 31st of that year. TECO office will select successful candidates and alternative candidates which will be placed on a waiting list.
5. Successful and alternative candidates should submit a copy of their letter of admission to TECO office for verification by June 30th. After an admission acceptance letter is received, the designated TECO Office will proceed to finalize its scholarship selection reviews. Late submission of these documents will be deemed as a waiver for accepting the scholarship.
6. The final confirmation of the scholarship recipients will be made by July 31st. The roster of the scholarship recipients will be submitted by the end of July to the Ministry of Education and the school they have been admitted to.
What privileges are there for Taiwan Scholarship recipients?
1. Once your application is finally approved, you will receive one copy of the Scholarship Certificate Letter issued by your designated TECO office for you to keep as an honor by July 31st. The certificate is also used as a personal financial statement shown to schools and for applying for a visa to enter Taiwan, as well as for obtaining an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) for legally staying in Taiwan afterward.
2. As a national scholarship recipient, your application for a visa will be honored by the Visa Section of your local TECO office, which means it is issued free of charge. Please do remember to enclose your Taiwan Scholarship certificate letter with our visa application, fail to do so may result in a fee charge.
3. Taiwan Scholarship recipients are eligible to apply for a Resident Visa directly without waiting 4 months after enrollment. However, please note that the holders of resident visas need to apply for ARCs within 2 weeks of entering Taiwan or else will be fined by the government.
4. Recipients will be invited to attend an orientation organized by their designated TECO office, usually in August, to better understand the living and study environment in Taiwan. It is also a chance to meet and exchange with returning recipients before new recipients depart for Taiwan.
5. All scholarship recipients are automatic members of Taiwan Alumni Association in Los Angeles (TAA in LA)( https://www.facebook.com/TAALAUSA/). The Taiwan Alumni Association Los Angeles Chapter aims to bring individuals together who have previously studied in Taiwan and are now located in the L.A. area or beyond. All those interested in experience-sharing, engaging in dialogue on culture or language, or networking with fellow Taiwan alumni are welcome to participate in this organization.

Jaime Ocon
HuaYu Scholarship Recipient 2016
National ChengChi University
Department of Diplomacy, 2017 Taiwan Scholarship Recipient
I believe that Studying in Taiwan will not only guarantee an improvement in your Chinese, but you will ultimately find yourself in a world filled with an endless array of cultures. I had the privilege of attending ICLP at National Taiwan University where I studied Chinese with students from all over the world and truly felt what it meant to be a global citizen, practicing our Chinese in the city. This fantastic experience ultimately led me to pursue a degree in Diplomacy at National ChengChi University, and not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the environment I am in. I can’t thank the Ministry of Education and the wonderful team at TECO in Los Angeles enough for this incredible opportunity and strongly feel Taiwan in the place to go to learn Chinese and pursue a degree.